Pokémon Balls
These Pokémon balls are made with a 3D printer, and assembled by hand.
If you would like a shiny of a certain Pokémon please contact me!
Real pictures of the actual printed products will be added to the listings as soon as possible.
Special valentine's day deal! If you buy any Pokémon ball before valentine you will receive the ball in a heart shaped box.
Pokémon Balls
#0001 Bulbasaur €17.99
#0002 Ivysaur €17.99
#0003 Venusaur €17.99
#0004 Charmander €17.99
#0005 Charmeleon €17.99
#0006 Charizard €17.99
#0007 Squirtle €17.99
#0008 Wartortle €17.99
#0009 Blastoise €17.99
#0010 Caterpie €17.99
#0011 Metapod €17.99
#0012 Butterfree €17.99
#0013 Weedle €17.99
#0014 Kakuna €17.99
#0015 Beedrill €17.99
#0016 Pidgey €17.99
#0017 Pidgeotto €17.99
#0018 Pidgeot €17.99
#0019 Rattata €17.99
#0020 Raticate €17.99
#0025 Pikachu €17.99
#0026 Raichu €17.99